A cartoon image of a city park in summer. People are walking around the park enjoying the sunshine

A Poem For Summer

A cartoon image of a city park in summer. People are walking around the park enjoying the sunshine

The city’s grip, a concrete maze, Thoughts tangled in a hurried daze. But step outside, where sunlight spills, On whispering leaves and verdant hills.

Breathe in the air, crisp, clean, and bright, A symphony of birds in flight. The pounding heart begins to slow, As worries on the soft breeze blow.

Beneath the boughs, a dappled light, Inviting rest, a gentle sight. Moss-covered stones, a cool embrace, Nature’s rhythm sets a calming pace.

The babbling brook, a soothing sound, Washing cares away, profound. A world unfolds, vibrant and grand, A balm for soul, a helping hand.

No deadlines loom, no phones intrude, Just peace within this solitude. The mind unwinds, the spirit mends, Nature’s embrace, a gift that transcends.

So, leave the noise, the worries behind, In nature’s arms, true solace find. For healing flows from earth and sky, A wellspring deep, where spirits fly.

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